Dr. Shital Thombare who is founder of mothersblessb Garbhasanskar is qualified Ayurvedic practitioner since 2007 ,in field of Ayurveda ,Garbhasanskar ,Pregnancy care,Post natal care,Nutrition and Yoga.
As a qualified doctor since 2007 ,she is always ready to help expecting parents by providing information,guidance,skilled care during child birth and post natal care. Also helps expecting parents to achieve their desired qualities baby with help of traditional process of Garbhasanskar.
As during [pregnancy would be mother undergoes many physical and emotional changes so mothersbless Garbhasanskar is always ready to support her mentally and emotionally during this changes to make this pregnancy journey blissful,
She counsel the patient first and customize the programme according to their reports.At motherbless garbhasankar the programme is planned which include specific yoga and exercises ,meditation,music therapy,diet ,art activity to get optimum health and wellbeing of mother and child.
Every mothers wants that her pregnancy journey should be less stressful .we in mothersbless ensures all would be mother ,so they can enjoy their journey happily,as our course is designed in such a beautiful way that it includes each and every aspect of pregnancy careranging from meditation, diet pre natal yoga,music therapy,visualization,garbhasanwad teqniques,art and craft activity for brain development of baby in womb.
In motherbless Garbhasanskar has dedicated team of yoga,music,dietician,gynecologist,physiotherapist to answer each query of would be mother.
This course also takes care of the mothers post delivery,baby care and lactation .