Suvarnaprashana Sanskar
uvarna Prashan Sanskar, or Swarna Prashana, is an Ayurvedic ritual for children that involves administering purified gold ash mixed with honey and ghee. It’s one of 16 essential rituals for children described in Ayurveda. Some say that Suvarna Prashan Sanskar can help maintain a healthy mind and body
Suvarnaprashana is described in various
Ayurvedic texts but mostly elaborated by
Kashyapa in Lehanadhyaya.
Suvarnaprashana can be helpful for physical growth and development in terms of
weight, height and memory. It may be
helpful in preventive aspect of decreasing
illness i.e. Suvarnaprashana has immune
modulator and immune stimulant effect in children.
Suvarnaprashana is one of the sixteen
Samskaras (rituals) which were described in
ancient scriptures. The modern days have
left human beings amidst a lot of stress, the
altered food habits, a great deal of
distractibil-ity, addiction, varied agricultural
practices which in turn affect the strength of
individuals both physically and mentally,
this makes the humanity to fall prey of
diseases. In the ever demanding competitive
age of today there is always need to excel.
This in turn requires best of health and
intelligence. Ayurveda has explained such
health promoting agents under the heading
of Rasayana. Suvarnaprashana is such
Rasayana mentioned in Ayurveda to
promote immunity and memory of children.
Ayurveda is known for its own specialties.
Today the whole world is affected with
different diseases. Modern medicines fail to
treat the patients satisfactorily in spite of
many researches & latest technologies
because of their hazardous side effects.
Ayurveda the science of life ,provides many
other alternative ways to tackle with such
disorders successfully. Not only treating unhealthy individuals, Ayurveda mainly helps
to maintain the healthy state of mind & body.
Ayurveda explains suvarnaprashan while
modern medicines explains about vaccines.
Vaccines produce immunity against specific
diseases where as suvarnprashan produces
non-specific immunity along with many
beneficial effects.
Kashyapa is the pioneer of Kaumarbhritya
who described Suvarnaprashana vidhi in
detail with its benefits.
Suvarna Prashana is one of the sixteen
Samskaras (rituals) which were described in ancient
scriptures. In particular, Maharshi Kashyap has given
detailed information about “Swarna Prashana” in his
book “Kashyap Samhita”. Acharya Kashyap had
coined the term “Swarna Prashana”. It was first
referred in the Kashyap Samhita (around 650 BCE).
Benefits of Swarna Prashana is elaborated in
“Kashyap Samhita” that was written before 600 BC.
वणाशनंहएतमेधािनबलवधनम ्।
आययंमंगलप ु यंव ु यंवयहापहम ्।मासापरममेधावीयाधभनचधयते। ृषभमासै: ुतधर: सु
वणाशनावेत ्।।तधर: सु
वणाशनावेत ्।।
मासापरममेधावीयाधभनचधयते। ृ
षभमासै: ु
तधर: सु
वणाशनावेत ्।।
As clear from shloka that following benefits can
be achieved through Swarna Prashana:
Medha (intellect)
Agni (digestive and metabolic power)
Bala (strength)
Ayush (give long life)
Mangalam (auspicious)
Punyam (virtuous)
Vrushyam (aphrodisiac)
Varnya (increases complexion)
Grahapaham (eliminates the evil effect of planets
Role of Suvarna Prashan in Today’s Era
Suvarna Prashan has beneficial effects on the
nervous system and the immune system. Therefore, it
is very helpful for improving memory, retention
power, intelligence, intellect, cognitive functions of
the brain. Secondly, it is also effective for improving
immunity and preventing diseases. The third effect is
on the skin. It improves skin glow and prevents skin
Suvarna Prashan benefits based on the duration
of use as mentioned in Kashyapa Samhita.
1. Single Dosage Immediately after Birth:
The single dosage is also considered effective if taken
immediately after birth or as soon as possible
following the birth. It can be repeated every month for
enhanced preventive effects.
2. 30 days: You should continue giving
Suvarna Prashana to your child at least for 30 days.
The regular use of Suvarna Bindu Prashana for 30
days is helpful for preventing the maximum of the
diseases and increasing intelligence. According to Kashyapa Samhita, if Suvarna Prashana is taken for a
month, the child becomes very intelligent.
3. 6 months: For more beneficial effects on the
brain, it can be used for 6 months. If it is taken for 6
months, the child becomes able to learn quickly and
remember whatever he hears, according to Acharya
Improves Immunity & Prevent Recurrent
Suvarna Prashan has a significant
immunomodulatory action. It improves non-specific
immunity and builds a great defense against viral as
well as bacterial infections.
It is the best solution for children with lowimmunity and recurrent infections. Many children
suffer from frequent common cold, cough, fever and
upper respiratory tract infections. In such cases,
Suvarna Prashan should be continued for about 6
months. After using it for 6 months, tendency and
frequency to get an infection are lowered significantly.
Increases Memory & Intelligence
Acharya Kashyapa says if you use Suvarna
Prashan for 6 months regularly, it increases child’s
memory, intelligence and grasping power. He says the
child becomes able to learn quickly and remember
whatever he hears. According to statements Kashyapa,
Suvarna Prashan is an excellent solution for improving
memory and increasing the grasping power of the
Suvarna-Prashan is generally recommended for
the children under the age of 16 years. However, child
below the age of 5 years can get its maximum benefits
because brain development is still under progress.
However, it should also be helpful for older children
and adults.
In a later age, the effectiveness of SuvarnaPrashan may reduce. You may require increasing the
dosage of Suvarna Bhasma. Alternatively, you can use
Suvarna Bhasma along with chyawanprash or honey
and Brahmi Ghrita for getting its immuno-modulatory
and memory-boosting benefits. Taking Suvarna
bhasma with chyawanprash would also help older
people to prevent common infection and other
Swarna prashana develops medha (mental ability), agni (digestive power), bala (strength), aayu vardhana(prolonged life span), it is also Mangalakara(brings in good virtues in child, positive attitude in life, optimism, power to overcome mental and physical hardships, good fate), Vrushya(attractive nature and personality), Varnya(tones skin colour), Graha baadha nashaka(voids away associated evils). If swarna prashana is done regularly for 1 mth then child becomes extremely intelligent and remains unaffected by any infective diseases, If taken
Swarna Prashana (Suvarna Prashana) contains pure gold in the form of ash and some other herbs that are known to enhance the immune power of the body. Infants and children up to the age of 5 years have a low Immunity and hence are vulnerable to infections. Administration of Swarna Prashana (Suvarna Prashana) in recommended doses can help to build a strong Immunity and reduce chances of common infections such as cough, cold and fever.
2. Enhances Memory
Swarna Prashana (Suvarna Prashana) can improve attention and the grasping power in children. It is also known to enhance the memory. Swarna Prashana (Suvarna Prashana) seems to be very important for improving brain health in children.
3. Improves Digestion
Swarna Prashan accelerates the process of digestion and hence improves the absorption of essential nutrients from food. Many children often suffer from gastric discomfort and reduced appetite. Swarna Prashan improves appetite and thus promotes healthy body growth.
4. Nourishes the skin
Good skin is a sign of good health. Swarna Prashan expels the unwanted toxins from the body causing total body de-toxification. It also improves the blood circulation which further results in improved skin texture and imparts glow to the skin.
5. Reduces mental agitation
Swarna Prashan can effectively reduce temper and tantrums. Due to its calming effects on mind, Swarna Prashana (Suvarna Prashana) seems extremely beneficial in children with special needs such as autism, learning difficulties, attention deficit disorder and hyper activity.
6. Improves hearing and vision
Swarna Prashan is known to improve the sense of hearing and vision.
7. Improves overall physical and Mental Health
Swarna Prashan improves the blood circulation in the body and also stimulates the nervous system, thereby leading to overall good physical and Mental Health.
for 6 months regularly then child will be shrutadhara excellent grasping.
Swarna prashana develops medha (mental ability), agni (digestive power), bala (strength), aayu vardhana(prolonged life span), it is also Mangalakara(brings in good virtues in child, positive attitude in life, optimism, power to overcome mental and physical hardships, good fate), Vrushya(attractive nature and personality), Varnya(tones skin colour), Graha baadha nashaka(voids away associated evils). If swarna prashana is done regularly for 1 mth then child becomes extremely intelligent and remains unaffected by any infective diseases, If taken for 6 months regularly then child will be shrutadhara excellent grasping.
1. Boosts Immune system
Swarna Prashana (Suvarna Prashana) contains pure gold in the form of ash and some other herbs that are known to enhance the immune power of the body. Infants and children up to the age of 5 years have a low Immunity and hence are vulnerable to infections. Administration of Swarna Prashana (Suvarna Prashana) in recommended doses can help to build a strong Immunity and reduce chances of common infections such as cough, cold and fever.
2. Enhances Memory
Swarna Prashana (Suvarna Prashana) can improve attention and the grasping power in children. It is also known to enhance the memory. Swarna Prashana (Suvarna Prashana) seems to be very important for improving brain health in children.
3. Improves Digestion
Swarna Prashan accelerates the process of digestion and hence improves the absorption of essential nutrients from food. Many children often suffer from gastric discomfort and reduced appetite. Swarna Prashan improves appetite and thus promotes healthy body growth.
4. Nourishes the skin
Good skin is a sign of good health. Swarna Prashan expels the unwanted toxins from the body causing total body de-toxification. It also improves the blood circulation which further results in improved skin texture and imparts glow to the skin.
5. Reduces mental agitation
Swarna Prashan can effectively reduce temper and tantrums. Due to its calming effects on mind, Swarna Prashana (Suvarna Prashana) seems extremely beneficial in children with special needs such as autism, learning difficulties, attention deficit disorder and hyper activity.
6. Improves hearing and vision
Swarna Prashan is known to improve the sense of hearing and vision.
7. Improves overall physical and Mental Health
Swarna Prashan improves the blood circulation in the body and also stimulates the nervous system, thereby leading to overall good physical and Mental Health.